First District Health Unit offers measles immunizations. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of measles, please contact your healthcare provider. Note that we do not provide measles testing.

National Public Health Week April 1-7

Most of the time, public health works behind the scenes to keep our communities safe and healthy.  National Public Health Week is a time to recognize the contributions of public health to our world and communities.  In keeping with this year’s theme Protecting, Connecting and Thriving: We Are All Public Health, First District Health Unit (FDHU) will showcase some of the ways public health works in our local communities.

→  A public open house on Monday, April 1 from 3:00 – 6:00 at the Minot office (801 11th Ave SE, Minot). This is a great opportunity for area leaders, community partners, and the general public to learn more about public health in the community. Staff members will introduce, explain and demonstrate many available public health programs and services, such as:

      • ID scanners for reducing alcohol sales to minors
      • Plus Optix automated vision screener
      • Narcan’s role in reducing opioid overdoses
      • Reducing the risk of diseases like tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and STI/STDs
      • Tobacco prevention and control, including vaping
      • WIC nutrition program
      • Water testing and septic systems
      • Zoonotic diseases
      • Car seat safety
      • Emergency preparedness and response
      • Food safety and inspections


→  There will be a free showing of a documentary for parents, teens, teachers, and others who want to learn more about helping kids be smart and safe online. The movie, Sextortion, follows the stories of several teens who begin communicating with someone they met online, and how the situation escalated.  The movie, which runs 1 hr 25 min, will be shown at Oak Park Theater in Minot at 7:00 on April 3. It is suitable for teens and adults.

→  Multiple First District offices will hold food drives throughout the week. The donations will be used locally to benefit a food pantry or backpack program in the host community. Click for more information on dates and drop-off locations in your area.

All First District programs are available to everyone in Bottineau, Burke, McHenry, McLean, Renville, Sheridan, and Ward counties, through either the local office or the Minot office.

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