Getting Your Immunization Records
There are several ways to get a copy of your North Dakota immunization record:
- You can obtain immediate access to your immunization record through Docket. Access to Docket requires a free account. The information is drawn from the North Dakota Immunization Information System (NDIIS), although you may be able to access your record from other states as well. Docket offers the ability to access, download and print your official record. You can access Docket through the web browser on your computer or download the app from Google Play or the Apple Store. If you are not immediately matched with a record, consider whether your record my exist under another name, such as a maiden name or nick name.
- A free copy of an immunization record can be requested using the North Dakota Department of Health’s Immunization Record Request. This record will only contain information on vaccinations given in North Dakota by providers who enter their information into NDIIS. Childhood immunizations have been entered into the North Dakota Immunization Information System since 1996.
- To request an immunization record from First District for yourself or your child under 18, you must complete the First District Health Unit Immunization Record Request. The form MUST be presented with a valid state-issued driver’s license or photo ID, either in person or via emailed copy. Emailed requests can be sent to Requests for children under 18 must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. These requests are processed at the earliest opportunity. Everyone 18 or older must request their own record. If you received vaccinations from a provider that does not submit records to NDIIS, First District may not be able to access your complete record. The provider who administered the vaccinations may be the only source for those records.
If you received immunizations in another state, you may be able to request a record through that state’s Immunization Registry.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers additional information for finding and interpreting immunization records here.