High Priority Infant Program

The High Priority Infant (HPI) program provides guidance and education to parents of babies who are healthy, premature, or have serious health conditions. This extra support is provided in addition to your child’s regular visits to the pediatrician or primary care physician (PCP).  It is not meant to replace them. The program is available to all parents with children under one year of age and no referral is needed.

These visits give you the opportunity to discuss any concerns you have as a parent and may include:

        • weighing and measuring your baby.
        • checking their immunization status and updating if needed.
        • screening for warning signs of disabilities or developmental delays.
        • fluoride treatments for both you and your child.
        • referrals for additional services if needed.

If you are interested in the HPI program, call Karla at 701.837.5128 for more information or to set up your first screening!  


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